2018-Harley-Davidson® Street® 500


We are an energetic team dedicated to high standards of customer service. As a family owned dealership, we run a friendly store where employees work in a relaxed atmosphere. However, don't let the informality fool you; we demand excellence from ourselves and our staff.

Are you tired of sucky, dead-end jobs and bosses that barely made it through grammar school? Would you like to work somewhere that all your friends envy? We have a limited number of openings, and we're interested in hiring the very best. Are you ready to change your future and truly enjoy going to work each and every day? Would you like to earn more money and have fun at the same time? We offer an advanced training program, awesome pay plans and a fun work place. Apply in person between 10 am and 4 pm Tuesday-Thursday. Females are encouraged to apply. Motorcycle license preferred but not required in all positions. Gold Star Harley-Davidson®, 2435 Hwy. 67, Festus, Mo. 63028. You can also email us with your resume.